PREVENT Strategy

Preventing Radicalisation/Tackling Extremism

Keeping children safe in education is our priority.

This school works in partnership with the wider school community to ensure children and their families are safeguarded from radicalisation and extremism.

In line with the PREVENT duty we will ensure that all staff and governors are trained, informed, recognise vulnerability and mitigate the risks. We will produce an action plan to mitigate identified risks and ensure the curriculum embeds British Values, teaching our staff, children and visitors to be tolerant and have respect for all faiths within out multi-cultural society.

This is underpinned by a range of other school policies including ‘e’ safety, curriculum, staffing and safer recruitment.

Our school’s statement of values respects learner and staff diversity, encourages freedom and openness and promotes the learner voice
Download a copy of the Government's PREVENT Strategy document here.
Keeping Children Safe from Radicalisation Leaflet