Breastfeeding At Pembury

Breastfeeding Statement

Please click the link below for support regarding infant feeding during Covid-19:

Breast Feeding Information

Pembury is a community where breastfeeding families feel welcomed!

We have a supportive breastfeeding environment

Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for infants for at least the first year of life.

Mothers are welcome to breastfeed (or express breast milk) and a secluded space will be provided.

In the reception area of the setting we have a display with free booklets on breastfeeding for families to take home if they wish.

Breast milk is the most complete form of nutrition for infants, with a range of benefits for infants’ health, growth, immunity and development.


If you would like further information on the benefits of breastfeeding please click the links below:

Haringey Breast Feeding Guidance

NHS Benefits of Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding Welcome Scheme

National Childbirth Trust

Baby Cafes for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Network - information on Medicines and Breast Milk